כמה מילים על האיכויות האנרגטיות של שמן הברוש

כשאני חושבת על הברוש, המילים שתמיד עולות לי הן: מעברים, שינוי, טרנספורמציה והתחדשות. 

כשאני עוצרת לקחת נשימה, צפות ועולות עוד מילים ודימויים שמזכירים לי את מהות סימליותו של הברוש:

“לא נשבר בסערה”, חוזק פנימי, התחזקות הנפש ועוצמה רוחנית, נחישות, טהרה וחמלה.

הברוש –Cupressus semperviren, נפוץ בעיקר ברחבי המזרח התיכון אולם זנים אחרים שלו, גדלים בכל רחבי העולם.

הברוש, עץ ירוק עד, גבוה מאוד-שורשיו טמונים חזק באדמה וראשו נוגע בעננים, עמיד בסופות ורוחות חזקות הוא העץ הנפוץ ביותר בבתי הקברות ברחבי המזרח התיכון. הברוש מסמל את מסע הנשמה מרגע המוות ועד החזרה אל המקור, אל האחד.

כשמגיע אלינו מטופל או מטופלת המתאבלים על אובדן יקיריהם, ברוש יהיה בדרך כלל השמן הראשון שאפתח איתו את הטיפול. הניחוחו הרענן והצלול של הברוש מטהר אותנו ומבהיר את המחשבה. צלילות הניחוח סוללת את הדרך להכלת הכאב, האובדן ושחרורו במטופל, ומשרישה את הכלי החשוב ביותר במטפל – החמלה.

במקרה של יולדת לאחר לידה שקטה, שימוש בברוש מבחינתי, הוא הכרחי כמעט בכל המקרים. 

בלידה שקטה, הברוש מסמל את כאבה של האם שעולה ומציף אותה מהשורש – הרחם, הכאב על אובדן התינוק שנולד אבל לא השתרש בחיים ומאיים לשבור אותה. בדיוק כאן נכנסת האנרגיה של הברוש “שלא נשבר בסערה” ומטהרת בצלילות ניחוחו את המקום הזה שעומד להישבר.


Raised by Wolves


Raised by Wolves a new sci-fi tv series created by Aaron Guzikowski and produced by Ridley Scott.

Starring: Amanda Collin, Abubakar Salim, Winta McGrath, Niamh Algar, Travis Fimmel

Raised by Wolves touches on a lot of issues, concepts and ideas (some might even say taboos) that are so weird we rather not think about but at the same time will raise many questions and a deeper look into the concept of distorted time and how our future actions actually affect our past. 

From the first episode, I was hypnotised by the bleak and oppressive atmosphere that was induced by the very clever use of the colour scheme of grey, dark grey, off-white and cream, even the green and the blue had a greyish effect on the viewer’s psyche. 

The idea that the future of the entire human race, is in the caring (?) hands of two very advanced and sophisticated androids (super androids?) is quite unsettling. It raises questions and awareness, about the ethics of investing in the future development of the human-like androids. At the same time, the realization and understanding that surface from our subconscious are that maybe now is the time, that we need to start getting used to these kinds of ideas and concepts. As it seems that the technology is already here. If that wasn’t enough to fill one with questions and the feeling of dread of “what is going on?” it didn’t take long before a new idea crept up to raise even more questions, adding to the overall feel of uneasiness that flows through the series. 

We learned that our future is in the hands of the super-androids, but now we know they can get hurt, badly and even bleed!  I don’t know about you, but as far as I know, or thought I knew, androids are supposed to be machines and when they get broken we either fix or scrap them. But we all know how Mr Scott works, so why do I find myself surprised and unsettled by a very damaged and bleeding android? Maybe it’s because of the whitish colour of the blood like substance that is pouring out of the body of the android that’s just been shot.

To my mind, if androids had veins, I would be expecting to see a darkish maybe even black oily substance coming out of them. After all, they are machines that run on grease and oil. But here, I think, the white substance is representing two things:

1- The white substance might symbolise that these particular androids are “creatures” of light – you will not find any bit of darkness in them, not even in their veins.

2- The white substance resembles battery acid, hence the androids run on some very advanced batteries. The battery powers the android’s nervous system, sending electric charges all over their very complex body-systems, enabling them to think and to feel?

Those of you that have read thus far probably think to themselves, that there is nothing new in these ideas, we’ve seen all before, and I agree. There is nothing new in the concept of human-android hybrid and definitely is a recurring theme in Ridley Scott films such as in Blade Runner, Alien Covenant. In the classic sci-fi TV program Battlestar Galactica, the human race faces a threat from the Cylons, which are another type of very evolved android in search of god, which brings me to the next unsettling thought that crossed my mind while watching Raised by Wolves. The mother android has been programmed to carry out a mission no matter what. It will use all its power, resources, advanced technologies, calculations and its wits (did I just say wits?) to carry out its mission to success. 

Their android technology is so advanced that at times I find myself thinking that the android really believes in its mission and that belief makes it act and behave in a certain way. It even rejects a different human belief – embracing its maker’s belief as an atheist and rejecting the belief in the all-powerful god – Sol. 

All through the series the theme of believers versus non-believers is slowly advanced as we watch our non-believer heroes beginning to accept the idea that there might be something out there, some kind of power that just might pull the strings on its behalf if they just believe in it. 

On the other side, some of our heroes from the believer’s camp are starting to realize that maybe some aspect of their belief is not acceptable and based on lies. Belief versus non-belief is, of course, the ultimate human dilemma, but now there’s a new player – an atheist programmed android that starts to believe (or is it just malfunctioning?) Throughout the episodes, we watch our heroes, both human and androids trying to understand and work through the complexities of surviving on a cold and dark planet. It gets even more complicated when the android realizes it can dream – and why not, if we go with second theory: (The white substance resembles battery acid, hence the androids run on some very advanced batteries. The battery governs the android’s nervous system, sending electric current all over their very complex body-system, enabling them to think and to feel?) so why not to dream too, deep android electric dreams. The dreams are so deep and mystical, the android becomes some kind of a seer into the future or maybe the past of humankind. 

The last episode blew my mind, the possibilities of a new theory, well new to me anyway, of where we came from and where we are going, made my head spin. And like all of this wasn’t enough, there is a serpent too. A sacred serpent. 

Many of the ideas that unsettled me are not new to sci-fi fans. The difference in Raised by Wolves is that it is done in such a brilliant way that you have to face these ideas while at the same time processing the information. With each episode, the ideas are getting more complex and presented in such a way that they seem completely real and feasible. The horrors of those ideas coming true might make some of us think that Raised by Wolves is another sci-fi horror and gore tv series, but it’s not. There aren’t any Alien type monsters and gore on this planet, and hardly any blood crazy scenes (if at all). What makes us feel this way is how we are presented with those far-out ideas and concepts.

I wish I could say some more, but then it would contain spoilers. Raised by Wolves definitely won’t be everybody’s cup of tea, and I think it might raise some questions and a few eyebrows even with hardcore sci-fi fans. I think it was great, definitely made me think and hope for a better future so we can have an even better past.

You can watch the trailer HERE

The Autumn Equinox, Sandworms, The Tower and the Hebrew letter Pei – פ


“My awareness flows into that timeless stratum from where I can view time, I sense the available paths, the winds of the future, the winds of the past, The one-eyed vision of the past, the one-eyed vision of the present, and the one-eyed vision of the future, all combined in a trinocular vision that permits me to see time become space.”  Paul Atreides, Dune

“My awareness flows into that timeless stratum from where I can view time”

It is nearly the autumn equinox and you can feel the change in the air, most of the trees are still in their bright and deep green but there are more leaves on the ground and the horse-chestnut trees are turning brown. It is two days before the autumn equinox and my awareness flows into that timeless stratum from where I can view time. On Tuesday at 2:30 pm, we will get a glimpse of time manifesting itself, like a secret door that closes behind us and opens again but to a new and different direction. The astral compass points to the west.  This Time we face The Great Spirit Of The West, which at this point of time, for me, it will be represented by Leviathan, some may refer to it as Apophis or Tiamat or in our case the great beasts of the sand ocean of Dune, the mighty Sandworms.


Thinking about Leviathan, I can’t help but keep going back to the story of Jonah that has been “swallowed by a large fish, in whose belly he spends three days and three nights. While in the great fish, Jonah prays to God in his affliction and commits to giving thanks and to paying what he has vowed. God then commands the fish to vomit Jonah out”.(Wikipedia

Jonah and the Whale by Pieter Lastman

Basically what this story tries to teach us is that Jonah had to be swallowed by a whale before he could “see the light” and be reborn. On a personal level, Jonah’s story always reminds me of a little saying that circulates among my friends the spies drinkers, “you will never know your truth, until the Serpent spirit devourers you and spits you back out again.

Serpent spirit by symbolika.com

The belly of Leviathan, Tiamat, the Queen Serpent call it what you like, symbolises the abyss we are standing in front of. Once swallowed or devoured by Leviathan and co, symbolises the full-on head jump into the abyss knowing that the only way through it is by looking at the raw guts of Leviathan and taking responsibility for our actions.

Time to take responsibilities

“I sense the available paths, the winds of the future, the winds of the past”

The realization or gnosis one undergoes in the belly of Leviathan directs us to a better understanding of the paths we already took and the ones that lie ahead of us. Once we open our eyes, and our truth has been registered within our body and soul, we become like undigested food in the belly of Leviathan waiting to be spat out like the precious Ambergris and reborn into a new reality, a new path.

“The one-eyed vision of the past, the one-eyed vision of the present, and the one-eyed vision of the future, all combined in a trinocular vision that permits me to see time become space.”

Reading these lines made me think of the Tower.  It is only now while writing this I can see the connection with Jez’s post about the Orfordness Lighthouse. The lighthouse combined vision is focused on the sea and on the West, guiding the ships ashore and lighting the way to those souls crossing the West Gate on their journey beyond.

For the Equinox rite, we decided to head west and visit the ancestral land of Glamorgan. The call of the western land was very strong this time and after driving for a couple of hours we stopped at our favourite beach. It’s the new moon and the tide is so far out it feels like we are strolling on an endless beach with no sight or a glimpse of the Celtic sea ahead of us.

I couldn’t avoid the eerie feeling while walking on that vast sandy beach. The landscape stretching to the horizon. At the back of my mind, a little question kept nagging me, would the sea ever come back? 

The Westcoast has its fair share of bleak and eerie landscapes but that afternoon on the eve of the autumn equinox, the beach felt more eerie than usual. Another thought crossed my mind; I came to look for Leviathan but instead, I probably will find a huge beach sandworm…

We walked along the deserted beach and before long we came upon a 19th-century Watchtower and immediately the pennies dropped and I saw the connection to the tower from Jez post to the tower card and the autumn equinox. 

The Watchtower is situated to the West, watching the rise of the tide, measuring its highs and lows, calculating the length of the days and nights, light and the dark. Tonight we will face the darkest of the moon and the lowest of the tides but tomorrow we’re gonna wake up into a beautiful balanced day and the west gate shall be opened.

The watchtower

The Tower

In the Thoth tarot deck, the tower card is attributed to the letter Pei – פ  which means a mouth(Peh-פ), it also refers to the planet Mars and as it happens, the autumn equinox this year falls on a Tuesday. Lady synchronicity pulling her strings again.

Let’s go back to the letter Pei and how it’s related to our equinox work and Leviathan. For a while now I wanted to share some insights which come to me while meditating and studying some of the popular and respected books in my own culture. 

“The letter Pei symbolizes the channel by which freedom would reign throughout the cosmos. It also represents our meditative channel for altering the future events of our lives. The letter Pei gives us the power to redirect our energies to higher, more productive states of consciousness and understanding, that yesterday, today and tomorrow, are all one and the same, once we released the limits of rational consciousness.” Rav Berg, The Energy Of The Hebrew Letters. 

 This made me think of  “The one-eyed vision of the past, the one-eyed vision of the present, and the one-eyed vision of the future, all combined in a trinocular vision that permits me to see time become space” (Paul Atreides, Dune, as mentioned above)

It is only when we unbind ourselves from the limitations of rational consciousness and understanding that there are alternatives, and different perceptions, our consciousness is altered and we start seeing/understanding/experiencing a new perspective of time.

By understanding the energy of Pei, the mouth, we are advancing into the highest level of our inner and encircling light/mysteries and awakening to the realization that we can challenge the authority of the cosmos and succeed in altering its direction. 

The understanding of the power of the voice, the spoken word, is ancient and probably exists since the beginning of time when we became aware of our voices for the first time. I don’t think I have to explain the power of the spoken word/s. We can make or break, bless or curse with our words. The written word is also very powerful, but we all know that to make it real, to have an impact, you have to say it out loud. Like praying, we can pray very quietly in our hearts but when we become the prayer we let it all out, we sing and we cry and we shout to our favourite deity, we let it all out by making a sound, by using our mouth. We make spells and release them by spelling out each word, sometimes each letter spelling it by using our words and whispers.                                                                                                The power of Pei פ.   

The realization of the magical formula that combines all the magical powers of the mouth into one letter – פ, it is quite amazing. The shape of the letter Pei resembles a serpent that hides its head within its body – פ, this, of course, made me think of the biblical Leviathan all curled up in the bottom of the sea waiting to be awakened. 

The destruction of Leviathan by Gustave Dore

The awakening of Leviathan can be linked to the destruction of the tower – the destruction of the illusion of the world and the matrix of ‘organized’ life which confined us. The swallowing of Jonah by the Leviathan symbolizes also the awakening from the illusion – the falling from the tower. The insight, the gnosis of new perceptions, a new reality, new life.

The letter Pei also symbolizes Malchut which governs the physical body just as the serpent that hides its head symbolizes the physical awakening of the body – the female genitalia can be symbolized as the mouth – Pei, while the man genitalia can be thought of the serpent, both are awakened within the kingdom – Malchut of the physical body. 

While writing this I find myself pondering how all this physical awakening stuff has got anything to do with the autumn equinox. So I set my time machine a few days back to Tuesday morning. This time we headed to a different beach, a secluded one, a quiet place for our annual season ritual. It’s a grey day and the beach is deserted. Unlike yesterday, the tide is not so far out but also not too high, the word balance comes to mind. The coastline looks wild and primal, we are the only people on the beach and we are looking for the best spot for the autumn equinox rite. 

I think we walked for about half an hour before we found the perfect spot. I must admit that rituals in nature are my favourite, no need for fancy clothing or an altar as each stone, tree or a flower can become the altar if needed, even better, We become the altar. Our mouth becomes the cup that holds within it the essence of the magic itself, the spoken words of the invocation or the spells we utter.

Facing the west we started with our invocation of Leviathan. Leviathan is a creature of the sea so to invoke it, it only makes sense (well, to me anyway) to invoke the ocean first. So we call upon the mighty ocean, asking to open up and show us the ways, hoping that our small offerings of coins and ancient prayers will awaken Leviathan, awaken us from another layer of illusion.

All through the ritual, the air was very still and quiet but as soon as we said our farewells and license to depart, a sharp cry and the fluttering of wings above our heads. I looked up and two magnificent birds were circulating above us, while at the same time a huge wave crashed onto the shore. I couldn’t avoid the symbolic situation and the line from Crowley’s writing about The Tower from The Book of Thoth crossed my mind: 

Bathed in the effulgence of this Eye (which now assumes even a third sense, that indicated in Atu XV) are the Dove bearing an olive branch and the Serpent.”

I don’t think the birds were doves and a whale (Leviathan in Hebrew means whale) did not jump out of the waters at that particular moment, but somehow we knew that our offering and prayers had been accepted.   

Not a whale in sight but a very cool spider web on the ancient rocks

Many thaks to Steve D for the inspiration.